Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It begins here...

I've been writing for Salem-News.com since March 2009 and one source of frustration is that there are always snippets and quotes I would like to pass on to readers, but there is no place to do that except in the comments section and that's not always appropriate.

I first set up a blog in 2004, but never did anything with it. Now my intention is more focussed.

I hope you find what I write interesting and thought provoking. I don't say "enjoy" because some of the posts will not be good news, but news more people need, nonetheless.

Who defines need? It was Francis Bacon, the philosopher of science, who declared some four hundred years ago that "Knowledge is power". There you have it. It is knowledge to support some people's positions, and knowledge to inform others about what they might be fighting against. I don't expect many people to be neutral to what I contribute.

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